Friday, October 2, 2009

Types of Fishing Reels Basics - See What Reel Is Best For You

Types of Fishing Reels Basics - See What Reel Is Best For You

The three main types of fishing reels match the three most popular fishing styles - bait casting, spin casting and fly-casting.

Types of fishing reels for Bait Casting

This types of fishing reels is extremely complicated. The weight of the lures being used pulls the line off the rod. It's then thrust forward as part of the casting motion. Most bait casting types of fishing reels include a device to lay the line evenly across the rotating cylinder that forms the reel's core. If you don't cast smoothly, you will most likely have problems when you reel the line back in. It can become tangled, which is very frustrating. After all, who wants to spend ages untangling the line? For this reason, bait-casting types of fishing reels are generally not recommended for beginners or children.

Types of fishing reels for Spin Casting

When it comes to spinning types of fishing reels, there are two types to choose from - closed faced and open faced. If you're learning to fish, the closed faced spinning types of fishing reels is a great choice. It's mostly trouble free, and is perfectly capable of bringing in your catch. When you're casting there's a push button release, and there's also an opening in the top where the line comes out during casting. You mount this type of types of fishing reels on your fishing reed. When you buy a prepackaged rod and types of fishing reels, it will almost always have this type of types of fishing reels, and spinning reels are very popular with beginners, children, hobbyists and casual sportsmen.

An open faced spinning types of fishing reels can be more difficult to use. They come in a range of sizes, to suit different conditions. An ultra light model can be used for catching pan fish, but if you're going game or ocean fishing, you'll need a larger model. The advantage of an open-faced types of fishing reels is that it has a much greater line capacity, and can be used for salmon and trout. The drag is smooth, so they're a great choice for longer run game fish.

It's common for fishing enthusiasts to start out with a close face-spinning types of fishing reels, and then graduate to an open-faced types of fishing reels as they gain experience. It's always worth spending a little bit extra to get a good quality fishing reel. Many cheap types of fishing reels contain plastic parts, and you run the risk of them failing if you catch a larger fish. A common rule of thumb is that the lighter the line, the smaller the types of fishing reels needs to be. So check and make sure your reel matches the fishing line you're going to use. If you only want to buy one reel, then go for a medium speed one. If your budget runs to two types of fishing reels, choose both a low and high-speed types of fishing reels. Also, reels are different for right and left handed people, so make sure you mention this when you're shopping for a types of fishing reels. Right-handed types of fishing reels turn clockwise, whereas left-handed reels turn counter clockwise.

Types of fishing reels for Fly Fishing

Fly fishing involves another set of skills, and so a different types of fishing reels. You need to ensure that your freshwater fishing reel's drag is highly responsive. You also need to buy types of fishing reels that can cope with the tension and strain of a really big catch. These are generally the most expensive types of fishing reels, so make sure there are no plastic parts that can fail - something which happens far too often with a big fish on the line. Buy an all-metal types of fishing reels, and you won't have to tell as many 'the one that got away' stories.