Thursday, September 24, 2009

Are All Types Of Fishing Reels The Same?

Are All Types Of Fishing Reels The Same?

If we listen to the manufacturers, types of fishing reels are as different as the shape of the rocks on the bottom of your favorite trout stream, but is this true? Or are all types of fishing reels created equally? First of all, of course they aren't all created equally. There are degrees of difference, but the basic functions are all the same, and as long as you stick with a well-known manufacturer, you should be in good shape. What do I mean by a well-known manufacturer? Companies such as Pflueger, Daiwa, Okuma, and Quantum are all quality manufacturers. Basically, companies that you've heard of, and have been around a while.

The bottom line is not to be so concerned about price that you buy types of fishing reels for less than twenty dollars. Types of fishing reels that cost less than twenty dollars usually aren't any good, and you end up hating them. How do I know this? Because I've wasted my own time and money on these cheap spinning types of fishing reels before, and this is exactly what happened. There is also not much need to spend any more than fifty bucks on a types of fishing reels. Especially for normal freshwater fishing situations. If you're in the market for a fishing reel, look for something between the prices of 25 and 50 dollars, made by a quality manufacturer, and you'll be good to go.

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to types of fishing reels, and especially spinning fishing reels, is the number of ball bearings that are in the reel itself. The description of the types of fishing reels will tell you how many ball bearings it has, and usually the more, the better. The more ball bearing that there are, the less "play" your spinning types of fishing reels will have in the handle. Types of fishing reels with 6 or more ball bearings generally have no "play" at all in the handle, which is a great thing.